Personal Insurance

Life insurance

A lump sum payment due to death or terminal illness.

Life insurance provides financial protection for your loved ones by paying out a lump sum in the event of your death.

Claims are paid upon the insured’s death, whether due to illness, accident, or natural causes.

Life insurance can be funded via Super or personally.

Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) insurance

A lump sum payment if you are permanently unable to work due to illness or injury.

TPD insurance can be specific to your own occupation or any occupation for which you are reasonably qualified, experienced or trained in.

Claims are paid when you are unable to return to work in your occupation or any occupation for which you are reasonably suited by training, education, or experience.

TPD insurance premiums can be funded personally or through superannuation.

Trauma / Critical Illness insurance

A lump sum payment if you suffer from a listed critical illness.

Trauma insurance can be limited to serious conditions or provide more comprehensive coverage which includes partial payments for less severe conditions.

The majority of claims on Trauma insurance are due to Cancer, Heart Attack, and Stroke.

Trauma insurance is funded personally.

Income Protection insurance

A monthly payment if you are unable to earn an income due to any accident or illness.

Income Protection insurance provides comprehensive coverage which includes partial payments for any condition which stops you from being able to earn an income.

Claims are paid when you are temporarily or permanently unable to work due to illness or injury. This includes mental health which is one of the most common conditions being claimed.

Income Protection premiums can be funded personally or through superannuation.

Child Trauma insurance

A lump sum payment if your child suffers from a listed critical illness.

Child Trauma insurance provides a lump sum payment for child-related illnesses and is available to children aged 2 to 18.

Claims are typically paid for critical illnesses such as cancer, severe burns, or major head trauma.

Child Trauma insurance is funded personally.

Accident Only Insurance

A lump sum payment or ongoing payments depending on the injury severity and type of cover.

Accident-only insurance provides cover for injuries sustained as a result of an accident, offering a lump sum or ongoing payments based on the type of cover you choose.

Claims are typically paid for injuries resulting from accidents, such as fractures, dislocations, or accidental death.

Accident-only insurance premiums can be funded personally or through superannuation.